Clean rooms are no longer used just in the aerospace industry. Today clean rooms are built wherever contamination control is important: pharmaceutical and medical technology labs and production areas; semiconductor, computer, and communication system assembly and testing facilities; optical, biotechnology, food and drink processing plants.
Clean rooms are categorized in various classifications that indicate how strictly they are regulated and the amount of particles allowed per cubic meter. Flooring in your clean room is very important, as this is a potential place for contaminates to settle or collect. Duraamen floors are designed to be easily cleaned as well as maintain a classic and professional look. Clean room flooring systems, appropriately specified and installed, serve to mitigate electrostatic charges, microbial organisms, and maintenance requirements. They offer high quality and consistent performance. The products specified for clean rooms should be poured seamless in nature, zero VOC and highly durable to repel particulate entrapment and avoid shredding clean room type shoe covers.
The selection of a clean room flooring system is particularly important because of its greater susceptibility to contamination compared to ceiling and walls. Particulate entrapment on flooring systems can quickly be infused into the air handling system through low level returns to cause premature loading of expensive HEPA filtration systems. Depending on design and use, clean room flooring can have a variety of features: electrostatic dissipative qualities; biocides to help control microbial growth within the flooring; and resistance to damage from certain kinds of spilled chemicals.
The high gloss, joint-free finish of our floor coatings eliminates the cracks and crevices that harbor dirt and dust – making the floors dust-free as well as being easy to clean and decontaminate.